* Video *

"England's Bleeding" by Robinson

Playing with Damo Suzuki & Dudes of Neptune, Marrs Bar, Worcester 18/7/09

A medley of traditional klezmer tunes. Filmed by PJ at Old Rectifying House, Worcester. 29/3/09

 'Parpy Tuft' put to a film of 'the delicate and beautiful common blue damselfly
Enallagma cyathigerum is in tandem and ovipositing on watermargin plants
on the River Severn near Worcester UK in 2008...' By Sabrina Productions

"It must be IKEA" by Toxic Pijin at Purple Turtle, Camden. Video by Orly Doran.

john-joe.co.uk - john-joe murray - the worrisome ankletrout - toxic pijin - johnny kowalski - narcoleptic penguin - robinson - traditional gypsy fiddle -